Ang Gagasin [The Gagazine] 3.0

Writing and Zines

Ang Gagasin [The Gagazine] 3.0

Zine Series
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The Gagazine upholds the subversive historical Philippine tradition of the dagli, its translation, and to capture the artists in photography as part of a collaborative project. This attempt to form alternative ways of unity opens up possibilities to understand our perspective, and it enables us in turn to redefine the bond between visual and text, images and narrative, as for art and freedom.
This series includes four editions of "The Gaga Zines" along with "The Other Lady Gaga (TOLG)" performances, available in the Music and Performances section.

Stefani J Alvarez

The Philippines

Stefani J. Alvarez is a transdisciplinary and migrant artist. Born in Cagayan de Oro in the southern Philippines. She has been an overseas Filipino worker based in Saudi Arabia for 14 years from 2008 to 2022. Selected as an artist-in-residence in Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2023-2024. She is currently working on her latest experimental creative nonfiction anthology, Transfinity Diary. Her performative and installation art project, The Other Lady Gaga (TOLG), explores her artistic framework through aural essays, visual poetry, and mixed media. In these works, she documents her autobiographical diasporic dagli, embodying a transgender space of geobodies, borderlands, and identities across (her)story.


Festival Organizer




© 2024 SEAQCF

The copyright for each artwork featured in this exhibition remains with
respective artists unless otherwise specified.